Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Director Endorses "Are You Credit Wise"

Below is a video endorsement from Beth Barnes, the Director of the School of Journalism & Telecommunications and the President-Elect of the Association of Schools of Journalism and Mass Communication

Some pictures from a presentation I gave in November

A Much Needed Update

Hello all,

This semester is flying by so quickly it is unbelieveable! Since my last blog post, as usual, a lot has been going on. I completed my Op-Ed about holiday spending tips and how to stay on top. I am currently awaiting for the approval from MasterCard and once I get the "okay" my goal is to have it published in the school newspaper or the Lexington newspaper, The Herald-Leader. Being the Vice-President of the Advertisement Club on campus, we meet every month with AAF Lexington and one of the memebers on the executive commitee works for the Herald-Leader so I am going to speak with her about getting my Op-Ed in before Christmas. Right before Thanksgiving Break I gave a presentation during a family finance class of a little over 30 junior and senior students. I received a lot of positive feedback from my surveys as most of them mentioned something they learned about credit cards that they never knew before. This time I actually went over the activities and gave the answers during the presentation and they seemed to really benefit from that as well.

In other news, this week and last week I have been speaking with Kay Hoffman, former Dean of UK (Eric's mom) and  Martie Gillen, the Dean Assistant/Finance & Center Admin. to begin working on a larger Are You Credit Wise event including the President and other legislators. Yesterday, we had a panel discussion with the Director of PR and Marketing for the Pesident, Jay Blanton, along with Jane Holladay, another member of the Marketing Department. The discussion went well as we tried to convince Jay why the president should speak at the event we are planning. All three of us had our parts to speak and it ended with further actions we will take to reach out to the media and congressmen. I made the initiative to contact Jennifer Hunter, Assistant Professor / Extension Specialist in Family Financial Management. She has been doing a lot of projects recently such as creating two websites offering financial education tutorials and tips for UK students: http://www.loveyourmoney.org/ and http://www2.ca.uky.edu/moneywise/. We have set up a meeting for after Christmas Break since our schedules are hectic with finals coming up but I think she could be a tremendous asset to the event we are planning in 2011.

I'll keep everyone updated as soon as I receive any other news!
Have a wonderful Christmas,
Kayla Klein