Monday, August 30, 2010

September Plans So Far

With school starting up last Wednesday, campus has been overflowing with new students and Wildcat pride. I have been e-mailing and setting up meetings with numerous teachers and administrators on campus. So far, I have met with two teachers in person. One of them is the Director of the School of Journalism and Telecommunications, Beth Barnes. She was thrilled that I was chosen for this internship and was more than willing to give me some helpful tips and advice. We set up a date in October where I can present in her class and she is looking for more opportunities later this month as well. Tommorow, I am meeting with Jared Tippets, the Director of the New Student Program: UK 101. This course is desgined to help freshmen with any problems typical college students face and my goal for tommorow's meeting is to convinve Jared to let me have a spot in these classes. I'll be sure to post shortly after how our meeting goes. Wish me luck!

P.S. Our first home football game is September 11th so I plan on taking some great videos at the game!!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Preparing for Success

Hello all,

I am SUPER excited to get started with my "Are You Credit Wise" internship this semester on campus. I have a lot of ideas for places I can present as well as people to talk to about getting a lot of students to hear what I have to say. My goal of reaching 1,000 student remains at the top of my mind and once I get my workbooks mailed over I can begin presenting. I have been going to our amazing five story library during my free time where I can practice my speech and get more comfortable with the script. As we all know from expericne . . . "practice makes perfect!"

I am eager for school to start and I know things will get very hectic but I am confident in myself that I can make this work and pull off some great presentations and get a lot of feedback from my peers. Since I already work at the school newspaper and am very involved on campus, I already know some of the people I listed as my contacts so it won''t be as hard to convince them to assist me in my campaign. I'll keep you updated on my progress in these next couple of weeks until school starts.

Bye for now!