Monday, August 30, 2010

September Plans So Far

With school starting up last Wednesday, campus has been overflowing with new students and Wildcat pride. I have been e-mailing and setting up meetings with numerous teachers and administrators on campus. So far, I have met with two teachers in person. One of them is the Director of the School of Journalism and Telecommunications, Beth Barnes. She was thrilled that I was chosen for this internship and was more than willing to give me some helpful tips and advice. We set up a date in October where I can present in her class and she is looking for more opportunities later this month as well. Tommorow, I am meeting with Jared Tippets, the Director of the New Student Program: UK 101. This course is desgined to help freshmen with any problems typical college students face and my goal for tommorow's meeting is to convinve Jared to let me have a spot in these classes. I'll be sure to post shortly after how our meeting goes. Wish me luck!

P.S. Our first home football game is September 11th so I plan on taking some great videos at the game!!

1 comment:

  1. Kayla - glad to hear Beth Barnes was so helpful. I assumed she would be! I'm assuming it was Jared Tippets whom you said today you had a great meeting with - I'm excited to hear about it! Go Wildcats at your upcoming football game! Can't wait to see the video!
