Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Just a Few Visuals :)

Here are some pictures I took before one of my presentations. I wish I could have gotten the people that gathered around the back but they came after I already started:

Fall Festivities Continued

I had no tests or big projects due this week and not much last week so I have been all about "Are You Credit Wise" lately. It is now Wednesday night and I have given a presentation every day this week. I an probobly do the presentation in my sleep by now I am so comfortable with it! I love the feeling after completing the presentation when everyone applauds and when I am looking over my surveys and the feedback is positive. In every single one of my presentations there has been some great questions brought up. Unfortunately for some, I didn't know the exact answers but I got their information down and told them I'd be sure to get back to them once I found out. However, from reading numerous websites in preparation I was able to answer a lot more of their questions. I took some pictures after I was done with mine today and I was actually very suprised at how many people showed up. I reseved the room a while ago and had Subway cater the event. There was thirty-two chairs set up in a U-shape and so many freshmen UK 101 students were there that I didn't have enough workbooks and some had to stand! UK 101 has really helped me excel and I love the suprising looks on their faces everytime I read the statistics from the presentation.

On a side note, I have been talking with Susan Wilton who is the Director in charge of programs offered to students in the Residence Halls and she is in the process of sending out e-mails to the hall directors and RAs about my campaign. She gave me some great statistics about the potential numbers of students I can reach with her help:

There are 5,400 students that live in the Residence Halls on campus, 170 RAs who are looking for programs just like mine to offer, and 22 Residence Halls where I can potentially present. Susan is off to Niagra Falls this week for her Anniversary but once she gets back I can't wait to see where this will lead . . .

Monday, October 11, 2010

October, What a Busy Month!

IA lot has happened since my last entry and I am going to start updating my blog much more often this month so I can keep everyone as updated as possible on my presenations. Now that I am finally getting into the swing of things, I am much more confident and comforatable when giving my presentations and talking with the students and administrators about my campagin. I have some great videos but I am unable to post them on my blog for some reason but I will keep trying.

I gave three presentations all at the end of September, with my biggest one in front of a group of Student Wellness Ambassadors that I am partering up with on campus. They absolutely loved my presentation and were genuinely suprised at the detailed amount of information that I provided them. They told me I was a perfect asset to their program and accomplishing their mission of improving the overall quality of life for the student body. I also gave a presentation at a UK 101 class to all freshmen who seemed to learn alot and were suprised about the average number of debt college student graduate with. They were pretty scared about the statistics but now they are nuch more prepared to deal with their financial struggles thanks to my presentation!

My last presentation of the month was to a group of Resident Advisors in the dorms who were interested in implementing my campaign into the "required presentations" for their residents. I seemed to have a strong impression on them as I gave them my business cards after I was finished and they told me they would find a spot for me to present within the next couple of months. I asm gonig to have to keep following up with them as I know they recieve numerous program requests each week! All and all, October is going to be hectic but I like being busy and my next goal is to get with the Sorority and Fraternities as I e-mailed the Dean of Sorority/Fraternity affairs on Friday. I have yet to hear back from her but I will physically show up at her office if I don't get a response soon.

(I'll be updating my blogs much more often this month and continue trying to upload videos from different computers so stay tuned!)