Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Fall Festivities Continued

I had no tests or big projects due this week and not much last week so I have been all about "Are You Credit Wise" lately. It is now Wednesday night and I have given a presentation every day this week. I an probobly do the presentation in my sleep by now I am so comfortable with it! I love the feeling after completing the presentation when everyone applauds and when I am looking over my surveys and the feedback is positive. In every single one of my presentations there has been some great questions brought up. Unfortunately for some, I didn't know the exact answers but I got their information down and told them I'd be sure to get back to them once I found out. However, from reading numerous websites in preparation I was able to answer a lot more of their questions. I took some pictures after I was done with mine today and I was actually very suprised at how many people showed up. I reseved the room a while ago and had Subway cater the event. There was thirty-two chairs set up in a U-shape and so many freshmen UK 101 students were there that I didn't have enough workbooks and some had to stand! UK 101 has really helped me excel and I love the suprising looks on their faces everytime I read the statistics from the presentation.

On a side note, I have been talking with Susan Wilton who is the Director in charge of programs offered to students in the Residence Halls and she is in the process of sending out e-mails to the hall directors and RAs about my campaign. She gave me some great statistics about the potential numbers of students I can reach with her help:

There are 5,400 students that live in the Residence Halls on campus, 170 RAs who are looking for programs just like mine to offer, and 22 Residence Halls where I can potentially present. Susan is off to Niagra Falls this week for her Anniversary but once she gets back I can't wait to see where this will lead . . .


  1. Kayla--

    It sounds like things are really picking up for you! It's so great to hear that things are going well and based on the feedback we have already received from the surveys, you are doing a GREAT job.

    Keep up the great work and keep me posted on your contact with Susan Wilton. It seems like a very promising opportunity for you at UK! Also, keep posting the pictures-- we love them over here at Powell Tate!

    - Nikki

  2. Kayla,

    Wow - a presentation a day? You really are going above and beyond.

    About those questions - past interns have found that most questions they receive are really subjective and circumstantial, and there is no apparent answer, even for someone really well-versed in credit issues. Great job in seeking out additional external information to better prepare. However, remember that it's okay to say you don't know the answer and follow up with them after the presentation.

    Definitely keep us posted on Susan Wilton - this could be a good angle for media outreach. Another good angle good be your work with UK 101.

    Let Nikki or I know if you want to brainstorm some story ideas and assets that support them. Happy to get on the phone.

    Keep up the great work!
